A realistic Youtuber - Kai Weissman

Today I talk with Kai. Someone that I believe can give us a realistic perspective on a business model that seems all the hype: being a youtuber. With his background in a stable corporate job, Kai decided he wanted to become an entrepreneur. He started providing Powerapps and VBA training online - first as a freelancer, while building a business on the side. What he believes is the difference between those two (freelancing and building a business) is something we will discuss today. Of course I want to know more about his realistic take is on being a youtuber. He tells us how the unglamorous truth is that his first video’s got only 6 or 7 views, and what it took for him to get to 20.000 subscribers AND we talk money. Can you live off your Youtube channel with 20.000 followers? Today in That One Thing: a realistic Youtuber.

Rianne Roggema

Rianne is an entrepreneur and experienced CEO with 10+ years experience. She used OKRs in several of her managerial roles and is now using that experience to support other companies to make strategy actionable.


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