Clarity - Hugo Pereira

When I asked Hugo what he wanted to talk about, he immediately said: clarity. And while a bit of a buzzword, I was very happy he was willing to do so. I see it all-the-time. And when I say all the time: I am not kidding. If I have to name 1 thing that almost all businesses I have worked with fail to do, it is creating clarity. And in so many way: clarity around what problem you solve for the customer, which products you offer, but also in what you expect from your team. With his company Ritmoo Hugo is aiming to create exactly that clarity. We talk about his love for start-ups, how he creates clarity for his own business and where he often sees management teams fail to create clarity. Today in That One Thing: Clarity.

Rianne Roggema

Rianne is an entrepreneur and experienced CEO with 10+ years experience. She used OKRs in several of her managerial roles and is now using that experience to support other companies to make strategy actionable.


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